Moldavite: Journey to Destiny!



Moldavite is a type of Tektite, a mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide & other metal oxides. On the Mohs hardness scale, it is between 5.5 and 6. It has an amorphous crystal system and its appearance is rather glassy. It is most usually a deep forest green but some pale or greenish-brown specimens have been found.  Its chemical formula is SiO2(+Al2O3).  It is sometimes also called Bouteille Stone or vltavin. It is only found in the Czech Republic.


Moldavite’s occurrence coincides with a meteor event approximately 14.8 million years ago on the Bohemian Plateau, in the present-day Czech Republic. The impact also produced the Ries & Steinheim craters in southeastern Germany. Pieces of Moldavite were found scattered throughout the area.  Meteorite experts refer to the fallen pieces of Moldavite as "impactites." Moldavite is considered to be a mineraloid because it is a naturally-occurring, inorganic solid that doesn’t have a crystalline growth structure. It solidified so quickly that the atoms didn’t have time to form into minerals.

It was first introduced by Professor Josef Mayer at the Bohemian Scientific Society in 1786, where it was first referred to as “chrysolite”. It became known as Moldavite 1836, after the Moldau River where the first pieces were discovered.

The crash’s explosive impact has been estimated at six trillion megatons of force, more than all the atom bombs on earth! The main body of the meteor is believed to have passed straight through the Earth’s crust, turning to liquid iron in the core. Some believe this impact so big that it caused reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles.

The exact origin of Moldavite is still currently under scientific debate. Some believe it’s an earthly rock melted by the heat of the meteorite crash. Others believe an extraterrestrial origin, such as an obsidian formation from a lunar volcano. The most commonly-accepted origin story says the meteor (extraterrestrial) & the earthly rock (terrestrial) were either liquified or vaporized in the hot explosion,   producing liquid or gas that exploded upwards, cooled, then condensed as it fell through the atmosphere and rained down from the sky.

Multiple Pieces of Moldavite

For generations, Moldavite has been viewed as a spiritual talisman. Neolithic people of Eastern Europe wore Moldavite amulets and pieces were found at the site where the Venus of Willendorf, the earliest known Goddess statue, was discovered. Moldavite was used for arrowheads and other cutting tools. In Czech lore, Moldavite brought harmony to marriage, and for centuries, served as a betrothal gift.

In other lore, Moldavite is often connected to the legend of the Holy Grail. Speculation and debate surround this connection. If the Holy Grail was indeed a chalice, was it made from Moldavite or was a large Moldavite set into the chalice? Some interpret the Grail as “a stone that fell from the sky.” Regardless, the energy of Moldavite seems to mirror legendary energies claimed to originate from the Holy Grail. What do you think?

Energetics & Metaphysics

Moldavite is the primary stone for spiritual seekers and for those who wish to venture on a self-propelled love-filled journey to their destiny! 

·       Stone of Transformation ~ for some people, it’s a wild ride!

·       Protection and Chakra Activation

·       Cleansing

·       Intensifies Self-reflection & motivation

·       Clears energy blockages & deflects negative energy

·       Assists with living from the place of Divine Love

·       Brings harmony to relationships

·       Assists with connection to other spiritual realms

·       Brings expanded awareness


(Spiritual and emotional healing)

Moldavite Specimen

Moldavite has strong spiritual energies. It allows for deep meditation that can lead to intense acceleration on path of potential. Moldavite can awaken both the heart & mind, assisting the journey to our greatest potential, living fully for the greater good. 

Resting Moldavite on the Third-Eye chakra (between and just above the eyebrows) assists in meditation & dream work, opening communication from higher realms. During meditation, it can bring greater awareness and visions. Meditating with the stone or wearing Moldavite jewelry are popular ways to connect with and engage the energetic properties.

Moldavite has particularly strong vibrations when shaped into pyramids, spheres, and/or platonic solids, though these are often price-y and fertile grounds for fakery. Round-cut Moldavites have the strongest vibrations.

Emotionally, developing relationship with Moldavite allows vision and foresight into changes necessary in order to move forward in an optimal way. Working with Moldavite give the opportunity to connect more deeply and act more freely out of Divine Love.


(physical healing)

Moldavite Specimen

Moldavite is an extremely powerful self-healing stone, especially when used in connection with other stones, as Moldavite magnifies their energies. For this reason, Moldavite is often made into energy tools, such as wands, or used in gridding.

Moldavite aids in identifying sources of disease or causes of imbalance, allowing release of harmful energies. It can then assist in the healing process. Moldavite is believed to cleanse blocked areas in ways that support new cell growth.

Wearing Moldavite or meditating with the stone might just bring the answers you seek from within, so be prepared! Moldavite says: “Pay attention!”


Ready to work with this powerful stone ally? Head over to our shop to find your new crystalline best friend. 

And be sure to drop us a line on Facebook or Instagram to let us know your favorite way to work with this stone of protection.

The content of this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using stone medicine. For more information, click here.


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