Peridot: Abundance & Prosperity!
The Facts
Peridot (sometimes called Chrysolite) is a magnesium iron silicate mineral and is the gem-quality form of Olivine. Its chemical composition is (Mg,Fe2+)2[SiO4], and it is the iron that causes it to be green.
Peridot is found in Pakistan, Burma, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and USA and measures 6.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Interestingly, Peridot crystals have been found in some Pallasite Meteorites!
Peridot rock formation begins deep in Earth's mantle, and the crystals are created when magma originating from the upper mantle moves to the surface by shifting tectonic plates or volcanic eruptions.
Peridot is recognized as a bringer of abundance, wealth, and strength, and is often referred to as the Stone of Prosperity. It also enhances learning through providing strength, which assists in understanding new ideas, ignoring distractions, and focusing on the moment.
Historical Uses of Peridot
Peridot is mentioned in the Bible numerous times under the name Chrysolite. In the Old Testament (Exodus 28:17), Peridot is the second stone in the High Priest’s breastplate, and it’s said Aaron, brother of Moses, wore a Peridot into battle.
It has been mined on the volcanic Egyptian island Zabargad for over 3000 years. Peridot jewelry was common in the 3rd and 4th centuries in Greece and Rome, and was found in many medieval church decorations. The popularity of Peridot increased in the USA during the 1800’s.
Energetics & Metaphysics
Peridot has a long history of connection to Nature spirits. It’s useful in contacting and communicating with multiple other-worldly realms, including fairy, devic, plant, and animal kingdoms.
With energy strongly attuned to Nature, Peridot is an excellent stone ally for those consciously working to heal the Earth.
With energy strongly attuned to Nature, Peridot is an excellent stone ally for those consciously working to heal the Earth.
Peridot also assists with:
Manifestation in all areas of physical life, including health, wealth, and emotional wellbeing
Bringing success and abundance to your life path
Creating heartfelt inner visions and helping to make them reality
Encouraging generosity
Opening to receiving abundance on all levels, especially those who constantly give to others
The courage to follow your Heart
Blessing or energizing your work (whether gardening, parenting, or working as a healer)
Protection against evil spirits
Dispelling negativity and providing strength
Activating the 3rd (Solar Plexus) and 4th (Heart) chakras
Helping release past regrets and navigate through the stages of forgiveness for yourself and/or others
Getting Started with Peridot
(For Spiritual and Emotional Healing)
A great way to use Peridot is to simply wear or carry a piece when going through a stressful or emotionally challenging time. It is especially helpful when dealing with heartache or deep emotional wounds.
Peridot can also be used in meditation, where holding the stone can help clear the mind of negativity and place the focus on the healing and abundance you seek.
(Physical Healing)
Peridot is believed to help in areas related to the heart, including heaviness, imbalances, strengthening the blood, and counteracting anemia or poor oxygenation. It may even benefit addiction recovery, as it helps to eliminate toxins when pressed against the skin.
Placing Peridot near your bed can help your mind prepare for calm, restful sleep and reduce any thought streams that could create nightmares.
Peridot can be placed in the South East or East directions of your room to promote family health, abundance, and prosperity!
Ready to work with this powerful stone ally? Head over to our shop to find your new crystalline best friend.
And be sure to drop us a line on Facebook or Instagram to let us know your favorite way to work with this stone of protection.
The content of this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using stone medicine. For more information, click here.