Cavansite: Insight & Communication

Cavansite crystal w/ Stilbite on Basalt matrix, Pune District, Maharashtra, India


Cavansite is a hydrous calcium vanadium oxide silicate. It is between 3 and 4 on the Mohs hardness scale. Cavansite occurs as a secondary mineral in basaltic & andesitic rocks, often along with other zeolites, such as Stilbite or Apophyllite. It grows in prisms or tabular crystals or in small “puff balls,” like flowers or rosettes.

Cavansite is known for its electric blue color. Typically, the color is blue to bluish-green, but the finest specimens are deep ultramarine blue, due to the concentration of vanadium.

Cavansite crystal ‘flower’ w/ Stilbite on Basalt matrix, Pune District, Maharashtra, India


Cavansite was first discovered in 1967 in Malheur County, Oregon. It is a relatively rare find and is rarely mined. For this reason, Cavansite has been found in few locations around the world, most famously in the Deccan Trap basalts of Pune, India, but also in Brasil, New Zealand, and the USA.

Energetics & Metaphysics

·       Assists Throat & Third Eye Chakras

·       Facilitates clear insight & communication

·       Helpful in accessing Akashic records of inner knowledge & history to further personal growth

·       Stone of inner truth

·       Stone of transition & breakthrough

·       Helps realize potential & worth

·       Assists in expanding psychic ability (especially when paired with Apopyhllite)

·       Soothing & calming, bringing joy & optimism

·       Helpful for remembering information (especially spiritual lessons)

·       Raises vibrational energies

·       Enhances ability to express love through creative endeavors

Cavansite crystal w/ Stilbite on Basalt matrix, Pune District, Maharashtra, India



(Spiritual and emotional healing)

Cavansite can help with expansion of consciousness, improving our intuitive and psychic abilities along the way. This is a great stone for those seeking spiritual growth or searching for breakthroughs. It is wonderful for meditation due to its heartfelt energies and can also greatly help with visualization.

Cavansite is a powerful stone when it comes to clear communication, making it excellent to carry or wear in difficult times, especially if you wish to avoid conflict without sacrificing truth.  Cavansite is helpful in transitioning through major life changes. The calming energy supports us and allows clear thinking.  Those suffering from grief or a loss may also find Cavansite particularly soothing.

Because of its fragility, Cavansite is best used where it can be viewed but not necessarily held, such as on a table or desk.  Occasionally it can be found set in jewelry and, in such cases, would make a wonderful pendant to wear close to the heart & throat chakras.

Cavansite crystal w/ Stilbite on Basalt matrix, Pune District, Maharashtra, India

(physical healing)

Cavansite is believed to stimulate the pituitary & pineal glands. It is said to help with stress-induced illnesses, such as migraines, & is believed to heal conditions of the eyes, kidneys, bladder, and throat. Many believe that Cavansite can help heal tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Because of its attunement to the Akashic records, Cavansite help cells remember their original state of perfection, implying a general healing throughout the body.

(other) putting it in your room, a particular location, etc

Setting Cavansite on your bedside table can help in all types of dream work, including astral travel, remembering dreams, & interpreting their messages. Try placing Cavansite near your bed & start a dream journal!

For teachers or those with instructional occupations, Cavansite helps with the clear & concise communication of ideas. Therapists and counselors may also benefit from the healing & powerful transitional energies of Cavansite.

Cavansite works particularly well with other zeolites, such as Apophyllite & Stilbite, and often grows in combination with them. Pairing Cavansite & Stilbite can help enter a state of peacefulness that allows easier sleep. This combination can also quiet the mind for deeper meditation, bringing greater feelings of inner peace. Using Cavansite with Apophyllite can increase psychic abilities & clairvoyance, and also assist with interdimensional travel.



·       Book of Stones (Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian)

·       www.WebMineral.Com


·       www.GAMineral.Org



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And be sure to drop us a line on Facebook or Instagram to let us know your favorite way to work with this stone of protection.

The content of this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using stone medicine. For more information, click here.


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