Aquamarine: Stone of Cool, Calming Waters


Aquamarine specimen, Pakistan

Aquamarine is the blue or blue-green variety of beryllium aluminum with a Mohs hardness of 7.5 – 8.  Its chemical formula is Be3Al2(SiO3)6.  This beryl has a hexagonal crystal system. The famous blue coloring is caused by iron oxide. 

Aquamarine is an igneous rock formation. It is often found in large, flawless pieces.  One should note that Aquamarine can lose some of its coloring if exposed to prolonged periods in the sunlight. It is commonly found in Brasil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Australia, Africa, and the USA. 

When valuing this particular Aquamarine gemstones, color is often considered more important than size. Therefore, the deepest blue colors of Aquamarine are most valuable and considered most desirable.


Aquamarine rough, Brasil

The first known use of Aquamarine was in Greece between 300 & 500 BC. The name comes from the Latin word aqua marina, meaning “water of the sea” or “sea water.”

Long used by sailors as a talisman for protection, luck, & courage, Aquamarine was also used to prevent sea sickness & conjure a prosperous journey. In lore it is said to be a mermaid’s prized possession.  It has also been long believed to bring eternal youth and happiness.


·       Emotionally calming & physically cooling

· Relives stress and calms anxiety

·       Activates Throat Chakra, assisting in clear communication & truth

·       Strong connection to Goddess energies aka the Divine Feminine

·       Helps one express Love & Compassion

·       Emotionally cleansing – greatly assists with release of over-reactive emotions & old thought patterns

·       Helps us “go with the flow”

·       Clears stagnant energies

·       Helps support acknowledgement & healing of past wounds in order to move forward



Aquamarine rough, Brasil

(Spiritual and emotional healing)

Aquamarine brings one to a relaxed yet aware state of clear consciousness, allowing for deep meditation and connection.

Aquamarine is emotionally cleansing and supports a voice for speaking and communicating clearly & calmly in difficult situations. It is a primary stone for releasing old patterns, behaviors, grudges, or feelings.  In cases of past trauma, such as emotional, physical, or verbal abuse, as well as issues of grief. Aquamarine supports deep healing. 

Aquamarine can be carried or worn regularly to receive these benefits. When meditating with Aquamarine, simply hold a piece in your hand and allow its soothing & calming energy to wash over you.

(physical healing)

Aquamarine calms the nervous system, and thus wonderful for high-stress individuals. Its association with the sea has made Aquamarine a folk medicine for seasickness. This stone can help calm those who are quick to anger, as well as cooling those of the passionate and intense fire signs.

Due to a strong connection to the Throat Chakra, Aquamarine is useful for laryngitis & strep throat. It is believed to help with issues of the thyroid & support healing of inflammatory diseases. The cooling property of Aquamarine can soothe skin conditions, such as eczema, hives, rosacea, and psoriasis. It is believed to help with ailments of the liver & stomach, & assist with allergies & sinus issues. Aquamarine is also used to support a healthy pregnancy for both mother & child, and help prevent miscarriage.

Aquamarine rough, Brasil

In ancient times, people used to put finely powdered aquamarine in their eyes to cure troublesome eye problems. Today, you can make an eyewash elixir with Aquamarine, and splash the water on your face to revive tired or sore eyes.

Many people choose to wear Aquamarine as jewelry, particularly as pendants to be near the Throat Chakra. You may also choose to carry Aquamarine in a medicine pouch or hold a piece as a worry stone.

(other ways to use Aquamarine)

This amazing stone can help overcome the fear of speaking, making it excellent for teachers, presenters, or one-time public speakers. The calming attributes make it great for children who are shy, or for those acting out aggressively as a result of trauma.

In the home or office, Aquamarine can bring a sense of tranquility & peace. Its calming energies help fight the daily effects of stress. Aquamarine is even believed to help clear clutter for those who develop attachments to physical items! 



·       The Book of Stones (Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian)

·       The Beginners Guide to Crystals (Lisa Buttersworth)






Ready to work with this powerful stone ally? Head over to our shop to find your new crystalline best friend. 

And be sure to drop us a line on Facebook or Instagram to let us know your favorite way to work with this stone of protection.

The content of this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using stone medicine. For more information, click here.


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